Hello! Thank you for reading my blog and for all the comments. I thought I would just take a minute to shout out to the world that:
Because http://fructoseandbellyachefree.blogspot.com/2012/07/sugar-and-fructose.html!!!
Im sorry but if one more person asks me I'm going to scream!! We are so thankful that cane sugar is 50% fructose 50% dextrose naturally and that with this ratio it seems that intolerant people do not experience symptoms. Now I wouldn't go cane sugar crazy (diabetes, rotten teeth) but when you're 8 and super skinny and already have a long list of "can't have foods" a Hershey Bar sounds awesome!!
Most people associate fructose with sugar & fat bellies.
I associate fructose with a child who gets sick and looses weight. I know that cane sugar naturally has that nice 50/50 ration of dextrose and fructose- the 2 work together and do not cause symptoms. I am thankful my son can have cookies and ice-cream and all the other foods sweetened with cane sugar! We have eliminated so many foods already. Remember always read those labels though, honey, fruit, hfcs are in so many foods!
Okay sorry for my rant but it's so frustrating when people talk to me about fructose and weight loss and sugar and it has little to do with fructose intolerance. Good luck with your journey! You're not alone :)
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Pizza and Fructose
So you're fructose intolerant, and love pizza...should you eat it? Technically no. But if you've already gone through your 2 weeks of eating fructose free and are ready to re-introduce a little fructose into your life give it a try...just know that:
Tomato sauce naturally has fructose in it and some brands even put high fructose corn syrup in their sauce.
Eating margarita pizza (the thinner crust with sauce and roma tomatoes on it) is just adding fructose.
If you're symptoms cause you to not eat much the rest of the day (like my son's) wait until the end of the day to eat your pizza- I wouldn't let Nathan eat it for lunch but dinner, sure.
Since Nathan has been dealing with this fructose thing he has "cheated" and eaten pizza at a few times.
Once we ordered it while he had a buddy over, I noticed it was pretty saucy and saw that Nathan, on his own, dabbed off some sauce. Even at 8, he's aware and doesn't want to fructose it up! He did have a little symptoms that evening but we knew it was coming. And yes, he was too "full" for an evening snack or dessert..still trying to get him to gain weight.

When you're fructose intolerant your body cannot tell if it's manufactured or natural...you have symptoms regardless!)
Be leery of FRUCTOSE FREE recipes on the web!! I just read 3 blogs that had fructose free recipes for pizza that listed tomatoes and tomato sauces :)
Good luck and if you aren't ready to experience your symptoms at a party I'd skip the pizza :)
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