4 hours. Yep. That's how long the breath test to see if your child is fructose or lactose intolerant can last. Unless your my son and it reads so high from the beginning! Here's how it works:
Eating restrictions the day leading up to the test- little carbs, no wheat cereals, stuff like that.
No drinking/eating day of test (of course ours was scheduled for 10:45 and we wake up at 7 so we were a little thirsty but in great spirits!)
Breath into a bag- start at level 0-1. Then drink a sugary fructose drink the nurse gives you- similar to the drink mommy's to be have to drink when they take their diabetes test.
After the drink every hour you breath again in a bag. The nurse inserts it into a machine that reads the levels. My son got up to 75 breath no. 3. I was blown away! I was sure it was lactose not fructose. My son loves fruit- no way it was fructose! Boy was I wrong!!
After testing so high we were able to leave after about 2 hours. The drink made Nathan very sick. AFter about 30 minutes in the bathroom (poor guy). We met with a dietician.
The dietician provided us with 2 stapled booklets that talk about what foods Nathan can no longer have. It was a whirlwind. I was so surprised. And so now, our journey into the world of fructose has begun!
I still have so many questions- what about vitamins? They all have fructose! What? No peanut butter? I'm actually going to call the doctor monday to ask about vitamins.
SO that's what to expect with the breath test! Its easy, the hardest part is the bellyache after the test. Bring fun things or homework to do while your'e there and snacks and drinks for the ride home! Fructose free snack that is :)
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