Saturday, June 2, 2012


When the capacity to absorb fructose is decreased.

When you have more fructose than can be absorbed by the small intestine.

Here's what it means to my son:

After I eat a small amount of food my stomach feels full. So full that I can't gain weight.

Sometimes I have a belly ache so bad I have "stomach problems" which again, makes me loose weight.

If I eat too much I throw up. My stomach hurts so bad I just puke.

I make the smelliest, stinkiest smelling puffers (hate the f*rt word!) you've ever smelled. I'm embarrassed by this & it grosses my sisters out big time!

I have a belly ache every day. Yes I love sports and I run fast and play hard but at the end of the day my belly hurts.

**If your child has these symptoms & you have no answers perhaps it's fructose***

After years of blood tests this breath test does't hurt- it's worth taking!

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