The girls ordered their blue cotton candy icrecream with sprinkles...now it's Nate's turn. Do we let him get some? We did- as sort of a let's see what will happen kinda thing and he was aware that what he was eating probably had fructose in it- not the hfcs but sweetened with some form of fructose.
He got the same as the girls did minus the sprinkles...it was soooo good he said. A nice little break from the "sorry you can't have that" experiences he usually has.
So he eats the ice-cream and here's what happened:
"I feel full" the rest of the day. Laying around instead of bike riding.
3 trips to the bath room
ate 2 or 3 bites hours later of the homemade burger, Nate's favorite
1 more trip to the bathroom followed by more smelly puffers
Needless to say it wasn't worth it. Nate def. lost weight that day and that's something he cannot afford to do. So are his days eating Mitchell's Icecream over? No. Thanks to Mitchell's.
I asked for the list of ingredients and the teenager behind the counter handed me this well organized binder with every ingredient- awesome!!!
So no, for now Nate can't have the blue ice-cream but he can have a few others and that's better than none. Thank you Mitchell's Icecream!!
WHen you go anywhere ask for the list of ingredients :)
Mitchell's emailed me- such a nice company. If you have one in your area I recommend it! Take a look at their ingredient book before you order for your fructose intolerant kids!