As I continue to do my research and talk with our Cleveland Clinic Dietician and Gastro Dr. I am so surprised to see website after website, even a few recipes in magazines that list the wrong foods!!
True these sites/articles are about eating fructose free to loose weight but seriously, do your research peeps! Call a dietician, visit your doctor!!!
I actually saw a recipe that said in large font FRUCTOSE FREE RECIPES, one had honey in it, the other was an apple fritter. If my son ate that he'd have stomach issues and not eat the rest of the day from feeling too full. This article should have said CANE SUGAR FREE or HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP FREE recipes.
I'm so thankful we have a great Dietician and Doctors that are helping to educate my family on what does contain fructose.
So do peanuts have fructose?
Avoid sugar-coated nuts, as well as regular nut butters, which are often sweetened with sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup.
Read more:
Our Dietician has Peanut butter on our DO NOT eat list. However, after being fructose free for 2 solid weeks we slowly reintroduced a thin layer of peanut butter that did not contain hfcs on his Brownberry bread. So far only once Nate noticed it effected him. We let Nathan have it once a week. Everyone is different so def. consult your dietitian and slowly reintroduce it to your diet if you are fructose intolerant. :)
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