Monday, June 11, 2012

Tomatoes and Fructose

Fresh Tomatoes

A half cup of fresh, ripe cherry tomatoes contains 2.9 g of carbohydrates, of which 0.9 g is fiber, 0.9 g is glucose and 1.0 g is fructose. A medium whole ripe tomato provides 4.8 g of carbs, with 1.5 g of fiber, 1.5 g of glucose and 1.7 g of fructose. If you have 1 cup of chopped tomato, the carb content corresponds to 7.0 g per serving, with 2.2 g of fiber, 2.3 g of glucose and 2.5 g of fructose. Unripe tomatoes tend to have more fructose, some of which is then converted into glucose as the tomato ripens.

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Great information but to us this doesn't mean much. What 

matters is how Nathan feels when he eats fructose. When he 

eats tomatoes. We still haven't tried them but when our 

garden is ripe with tomatoes I know he'll want them. So a 

slice here and there is what we'll try. If he can tolerate them's not worth it if he gets sick. 

I've read so many sites about ketchup, tomato sauce...when 

you're fructose intolerant it's trial and error. I do know that our 

dietician said tomatoes and apples contain a high level

of natural fructose. So that's why we've opted to not put them

on our burgers or in our salad. When one of your kids is 

intolerant it's a family intolerance- how unfair would it be if 

Nate had to sit their watching us eat a yummy tomato. Here is 

pic of our garden! 

This year we planted more peppers than 

tomatoes- keeping in mind our fructose free boy :)

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